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eCommerce Express Digest - August 2023

5 September 2023 Blog Posts

eCommerce Express Digest - August 2023


It looks like Google has finally sun-setting Universal Analytics, but this wasn’t the biggest news to come out of August 2023! We understand that you’re busy, so we’ve put together some of the main items that came out of the month in the Digital and eCommerce World.

We have been waiting for this one for a couple of months, and on August 22nd it was made official. Google’s Broad Core Updates have become a regular occurrence, and the August 2023 update brought significant changes to search rankings for some sites. Like most things, Google are keeping the details close to their chests but some outlets are reporting that it’s targeting content relevance. Watch this space!


Drumroll… The Google Search Updates

Google Chrome users will now notice improved search suggestions trends. This feature aims to make the search experience more intuitive and helpful by providing relevant and trending search queries as users type in their search queries.

In a ground breaking move, Google has started indexing CSV files, making it easier for users to find and access data within these files. This update opens up new possibilities for search results and data retrieval.

Google Analytics users have a new tool at their disposal: the Audiences Report. This feature allows businesses to gain valuable insights into their website’s audience demographics and behaviours, helping them tailor their marketing efforts for maximum impact.

Google’s search snippets now include information about other web pages where a site is mentioned. This feature can help users discover additional sources of information related to their search queries, potentially increasing website traffic.


PPC Updates

For advertisers using Google Ads, the release of Google Ads API Version 14.1 is significant. This update brings new features and improvements to help advertisers manage their PPC campaigns more effectively and efficiently.

Google is exploring innovative ad formats, including testing call QR codes in sponsored ads. This feature could simplify the process of contacting businesses directly from ads, enhancing the user experience.

YouTube Shorts, the short-form video platform, continues to evolve with new content creation features. These enhancements offer creators more tools and options for crafting engaging and entertaining short videos.

Twitter made a noteworthy announcement by reintroducing political ads on its platform. This move is sure to have implications for political campaigns and digital marketing strategies.

Meta (formerly Facebook) unveiled a new search tool designed for branded content campaigns. Marketers can now more effectively discover and leverage branded content partnerships.


eCommerce Platform Updates

BigCommerce, a leading eCommerce platform, is set to launch new AI-powered features in collaboration with Google Cloud. These features aim to enhance the eCommerce experience for businesses and customers alike.

eCommerce powerhouse Shopify also updated webmasters with their latest editions for August.

August brought us an interesting mixed bag of interesting news, announcements and updates. Whether you’re focused on SEO, PPC advertising, or eCommerce , these updates offer opportunities to improve your strategies and stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape. Stay tuned for further developments and adapt your marketing efforts to make the most of these changes. Or if you’ve got any questions, get in touch!

Posted by Kristina Trood

Kristina is a Technical Project Manager at Megantic. She has over 10+ years in Digital Marketing, with SEO being her passion. She enjoys working with clients of all sizes and industries to achieve tangible results. When not at work, Kristina enjoys keeping fit and active, and propagating house plants and succulents.

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